Conference Program

Photo credit: Christina Zdenek

Please note the draft program below is subject to change without notice

Thursday 5 December

1000-2100Field Trip: Wilsons Promontory National Park (4-day pre-conference Field Trip)
0730-0900ESA 2024 Registration / Arrival tea and coffee
0900-0930Welcome to Country and Conference Opening
0930-1000KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - Professor Emily Nicholson, The University of Melbourne
1000-1030KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - Joe Morrisson, CEO, Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
1030-1100Morning tea
1100-1300SYMPOSIUM: Designing for Nature in CitiesSYMPOSIUM: Forgotten Species: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
SYMPOSIUM: Indigenous ecological knowledge

SYMPOSIUM: Plant-soil microbial interactions in an era of rapid change: challenges and opportunitiesSYMPOSIUM: From Antarctica and Southern Ocean to Australia: Current Ecological Research and Conservation ChallengesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): From risk to recovery: measuring the status of ecosystemsOPEN FORUM: Animal EcologySYMPOSIUM (part 1): Wind energy and wildlife – achieving conservation outcomes in Australia’s era of energy transitionOPEN FORUM: Community Ecology
1400-1530SYMPOSIUM: Nature in Cities (part 1)OPEN FORUM: Cool Threatened SpeciesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Ecology and policy in the Murray-Darling BasinSYMPOSIUM: Fundamental and applied mycology: a global nexus for cross-kingdom interactionsSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Introducing the Resist-Accept-Direct adaptive-management framework and exploring its applicationsSYMPOSIUM (part 2): From risk to recovery: measuring the status of ecosystemsOPEN FORUM: Restoration Ecology (1)SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Wind energy and wildlife – achieving conservation outcomes in Australia’s era of energy transitionOPEN FORUM: Methods in Ecology (1)
1530-1600Afternoon tea
1600-1730SYMPOSIUM: Nature in Cities (part 2)OPEN FORUM: Conservation Planning (1)SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Ecology and policy in the Murray-Darling BasinSYMPOSIUM: Phytophthora Dieback: Beyond immediate impactsSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Exploring Resist-Accept-Direct-type case studies for conservation intervention, planning, and actionOPEN FORUM: Methods in Ecology (2)SYMPOSIUM (part 1): Nature Positive 1: the importance of robust ecological evidence and rigorous scienceOPEN FORUM: Invasive SpeciesOPEN FORUM: Restoration Ecology (2)
1745-1900Barbara Rice Memorial Poster Session
1900-2030Movie - "Follow the Rain"

Tuesday 10 December

0900-0930KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - Dr Kylie Soanes, The University of Melbourne
0930-1000KEYOTE PRESENTATION - Dr Paul Sunnucks, Monash University
1000-1030Morning tea
1030-1230SYMPOSIUM (part 1): Practitioner Engagement: Ecological Connections between Practitioners and ResearchersSYMPOSIUM: Planning for Nature in CitiesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Conservation management of wildlife populations guided by genetics

SYMPOSIUM: Forests against the Machine: facilitating persistence and conservation in dieback-affected native forests and woodlandsSYMPOSIUM: Trends in invasion ecology and biosecurity measures

OPEN FORUM: Fire Ecology (1)SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Nature Positive 1: the importance of robust ecological evidence and rigorous scienceOPEN FORUM: Plant EcologyOPEN FORUM: Plant Traits
1230-1330Field Trip: Birrarung Trial Floating Wetlands
Lunchtime walking tour during Conference.
1330-1350ESA President's address
1350-1405Jill Landsberg Applied Ecology Scholarship 2023 Presentation
1405-1410Jill Landsberg Applied Ecology Scholarship 2024
1410-1425ESA 2024 Applied Forest Ecology Scholarship presentation
1425-1440ESA 2023 Fundamental Ecology Award Presentation - Joshua Lee, Western Sydney University
1510-1530Afternoon tea
1530-1730SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Practitioner Engagement: Ecological Connections between Practitioners and ResearchersOPEN FORUM: Fire Ecology (2)SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Conservation management of wildlife populations guided by genetics

SYMPOSIUM: Using detection dogs in ecological research and monitoring

SYMPOSIUM: Advancing ecological theory and management with near-term forecasts: an Australasian synthesisSYMPOSIUM: Carbon dynamics from leaf to landscape under climate change: life in a warmer, drier worldSYMPOSIUM: Nature Positive 2: the strengths and weaknesses of emerging policy tools in delivering positive biodiversity outcomesOPEN FORUM: Climate changeSYMPOSIUM: Australian Peatlands - Undiscovered and Unique Ecosystems
1745-1900Barbara Rice Memorial Poster Session

Wednesday 11 December

0900-0930KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - Dr Phil Zylstra, Adjunct Associate Professor, Curtin University; Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
0930-1000KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - Dr Rachael Nolan, Western Sydney University
1000-1030Morning tea
1030-1230SYMPOSIUM (part 1): Advances in Fire Ecology Science: Species and Community ResponsesSYMPOSIUM: Getting your start: understanding plant establishment to predict vegetation change and the success of restoration and conservation interventionsSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Completing the adaptive learning cycle: linking monitoring to management for improved conservation outcomesSYMPOSIUM: Nature market mechanisms - one year onSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Getting it right in a changing climate: Climate sensitivity informing plant conservationSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Functional traits, physiology and future climatesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Beyond Boundaries: Technological Innovations and Advancements in Ecological Monitoring and ConservationOPEN FORUM: Ecological disturbance, Wetland birdsOPEN FORUM: Animal Behaviour
1230-1330Field Trip: Birrarung Trial Floating Wetlands
Lunchtime walking tour during Conference.
1330-1500SYMPOSIUM (part 2): Advances in Fire Ecology Science: Management and PlanningSYMPOSIUM: Spanners, connectors, catalysts, and levers for biodiversity: Tensions and opportunities for transformational systems changeSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Completing the adaptive learning cycle: linking monitoring to management for improved conservation outcomesSYMPOSIUM: Advances and applications of Bayesian Network analyses in ecologySYMPOSIUM (part 2): Getting it right in a changing climate: Climate sensitivity informing animal conservationSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Functional traits, physiology and future climatesSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Beyond Boundaries: Technological Innovations and Advancements in Ecological Monitoring and ConservationOPEN FORUM: Eat, be eaten or infected and stress out about itOPEN FORUM: Conservation Practice
1500-1530Afternoon tea
1530-1730SYMPOSIUM (part 3): Advances in Fire Ecology Science: Determining and Achieving Desirable StatesSYMPOSIUM: The value of benchtop ecology: Diverse uses of omic-based techniques that explore ecological responses to extreme eventsSYMPOSIUM: Understanding and predicting the impacts of global and local economic activity on nature using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs)OPEN FORUM: Conservation Planning (2)SYMPOSIUM (part 3): Getting it right in a changing climate: Adaptation interventions for ecosystem restorationSYMPOSIUM (part 3): Functional traits, physiology and future climatesSYMPOSIUM (part 3): Beyond Boundaries: Technological Innovations and Advancements in Ecological Monitoring and ConservationOPEN FORUM: Hot threatened speciesECE Careers Forum
1735-1900Pre-Dinner Melbourne Zoo Tours
1730-1800ECE Careers Networking Session
1745-1830Holsworth Alumni Networking Drinks
1900-2230Conference Dinner

Thursday 12 December

1000-1030Morning tea
1030-1230SYMPOSIUM: Connecting pyrodiversity, biodiversity and people in Australian landscapesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Pathways to biodiversity-friendly farmlands: knowledge, barriers and opportunitiesSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Habitat by Design: Artificial Habitat for Recovery, Restoration, and RewildingSYMPOSIUM: Integrated Species Distribution Models (ISDMs): From data collection through to Inference/PredictionSYMPOSIUM (part 1): Advancing Theory in Community EcologySYMPOSIUM: Towards powerful, generalised trait-based models of fundamental and realised nichesSYMPOSIUM (part 4): Beyond Boundaries: Technological Innovations and Advancements in Ecological Monitoring and ConservationOPEN FORUM: Movement EcologyDISCUSSION/
THINKTANK: Creating authentic learning experiences in the ecology classroom using Artificial Intelligence
1230-1330Field Trip: Birrarung Trial Floating Wetlands
Lunchtime walking tour during Conference.
1330-1530SYMPOSIUM: Wildfire Futures - Interdisciplinary challenges and opportunities in understanding and exploring future fire regimesSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Pathways to biodiversity-friendly farmlands: knowledge, barriers and opportunitiesSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Habitat by Design: Artificial Habitat for Recovery, Restoration, and RewildingSYMPOSIUM: Nature-dependent ecosystem services in agricultural landscapesSYMPOSIUM (part 2): Advancing Theory in Community EcologyOPEN FORUMOPEN FORUM: Landscape Ecology, Urban EcologyOPEN FORUM: PollinationWorkshop: Children's ecological stories: Engaging eager minds
1530-1600Afternoon tea
1630-1700Announcement of Prizes and Awards plus Closing Remarks

Friday 13 December

Field Trips
0530-1000Field Trip: Nangak Tamboree Wildlife Sanctuary, La Trobe University – Breakfast with the Birds
0745-1815Field Trip: Wild Otways Initiative: Conserving threatened species in the Otways through landscape-scale integrated threat management practices (Phytophthora cinnamomi and vertebrate pests)
0900-1700Field Trip: Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
0900-1700Field Trip: Starvation Creek (Forest Global Earth Observatory Network Site)
0930-1030Field Trip: Koorie Heritage Trust Scar Tree Walk
0900-1200Workshop: How to ACTUALLY make a difference: connecting ecology, policy and law to influence decision-making for a better future
0900-1300Workshop: Build Your Own Call Recogniser: Integrating Passive Acoustic Monitoring with AI for Scalable Biodiversity Tracking
0900-1600Workshop: Articles for Action: how to write research papers useful to land managers, practitioners, policy-makers and the public
0930-1130Workshop: Sharing biodiversity data using the ‘galaxias’ R package
0930-1230Workshop: Ecological Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R
0930-1600Workshop: Modelling heat and activity stress in plants and animals with NicheMapR
1000-1200Workshop: Capturing Conservation – Lessons in taking and using images for conservation advocacy and action
1000-1400Workshop: Nature Writing
1300-1500Workshop: Using science communication to increase impact: A practical workshop
1300-1600Workshop: Species Distribution Models for Environmental, Ecological, and Conservation Applications with EcoCommons Australia
1300-1600Workshop: Whys and Hows of Interdisciplinary Collaboration